Letter to the Baptists, 1843

In 1843, the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference sent a letter to the Baptist Convention, asking them to consider the biblical evidence for observance of the seventh day Sabbath.  In the January 2013 edition of the Sabbath Recorder, the Historical Society’s...

Planned Service Outage, May 24-25, 2013

We expect service on the online catalog to be down on May 24 and 25, beginning at 9:00pm PST, as our vendor makes changes to a new ISP provider.  Society members and friends should expect to have no service  until about 8:00am the following morning, and then until the...

Renowned Baptist Historian McBeth Passes Away

Respected Baptist Historian H. Leon McBeth passed away on Monday, April 29th.  McBeth was a giant in Baptist History, teaching for many years at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and publishing many books.  His obituary gives an indication of his impact on...