Historical Library & Archives
Books lining the shelves of the SDB Historical Library & Archives
Library Services & Resources
Search the archives from the comfort of your home! The Seventh Day Baptist Historical Society Library & Archives website offers access to the following resources and much more.
Library Catalog
Explore all the resources in the library & archives including photos, articles, books, periodicals, pamphlets, etc.
Index of Churches, Places & Subjects
Looking for information on a Seventh Day Baptist individual or church? Use our interactive database to browse over 200,000 records related by churches or surnames. Each interactive cards holds 100 index cards optimized for for searching.
Genealogy Assistance
There is a small core of volunteers local to the Library & Archives that find genealogy work interesting. This group is able to assist in such research as their own time permits. For more information on how they can help you click here.
Index of Surnames
The following index list is an exact replica of our index catalog drawers at the SDB Center. Please be patient when clicking on a file, as these are very large files and may take a couple of minutes to load.

Get Involved
Our library is largely maintained through the support of its patrons. If you have benefitted from the library’s resources and are able, we would love for you to consider making a donation so that we can continue to provide these resources and others free of charge. Click the link below to support us.
News, Updates & Events
In 2021, Seventh Day Baptists celebrated the 350th anniversary of the first Seventh Day Baptist congregation in North America in Newport, Rhode Island. Learn more here!
Join the All-STAR Team!
The Council on History is looking for STAR volunteers to enter data into the online catalog/index, CuadraSTAR. All you need is a computer with an internet connection. We ask for a minimum commitment of four hours per month but you set your own schedule. For more...
Fall History Happenings Newsletter
The fall issue of the History Happenings newsletter includes an update on our project to digitize library holdings. An online, PDF version can be found here. It also includes an overview of the new book: Baptists in Early North America, Newport, Rhode Island Seventh...
Mission Statement Updated
With the recent merger of the Seventh Day Baptists Historical Society and the General Conference, the Library mission and scope remain the same. The Council on History, which oversees management of the library and archives, reviewed and reaffirmed both the mission...
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