A Choosing People (2nd edition) Cover

A Choosing People is…


…now available on Amazon Kindle!


As the Historical Society prepared the new edition of Don Sanford’s seminal work, A Choosing People, the SDB General Conference made it clear they wanted access to the book in formats beyond the typical hardcover book.  Specifically, one of the requests made of us was to offer an eBook version of the work so that it could be read on eReaders like the Amazon Kindle or the Barnes and Noble Nook.

After going through the necessary processes with our publisher to secure such a version, we are proud to announce that eBook versions of A Choosing People are available, starting today with the Kindle version.

Amazon Kindle is a proprietary platform from the online book seller Amazon, which enables its users to purchase and have access to multiple books on their electronic devices at the same time.  The standard device many users of this product utilize is called “the Kindle,” which is a book-sized electronic device which is specially wired to deliver these electronic books to the device by wireless internet connection soon after you purchase them.  If you have a Kindle device which is connected to the internet, you can purchase a book online and start reading it just seconds after you purchase it.  Though the Kindle device is the primary way in which many users access their purchases, it is just one way.  Increasingly, many users are installing Kindle’s free applications for smart phones (Apple or Android) or their personal computer (whether it is a desktop, laptop or tablet platform; Chrome app, ) and accessing their material that way.

The upshot of all of this technology is that purchasing a copy of the eBook version of A Choosing People will give you electronic access to the book on any device which uses the correct software.  You can be reading your version of the book in just a few minutes, and have access to it anywhere you go!  For that reason, it is a great purchase, even for people who already have a copy of the hardcover book!  Get your copy today!

For those of you waiting for the version for Barnes and Noble’s Nook platform, it will be ready soon!  Keep watching for the announcement letting you know that it is ready!